Monday 5 October 2015

A slow week for Food Cart Express

Yep, you read it, not much has been going on in development of the Food Cart game as I've been sidetracked by trying to get a working version of another game up and running. 

So here you are: have a look at Doofer Shooter by following the link (a working title, obviously!) 

Controls are simple: WASD to move, click the left mouse to shoot, bullets will go from player to the mouse when its clicked. Couldn't be any simpler. Give it a try!

Of course its still all place holder - the important thing was getting the basic functions up and running: having a movable player, having that player able to shoot. 

The assets, such as they are, are all my own work, and its amazing how much of the time creating them takes... seriously, the actual engine - though admittedly not yet complete - took a couple of hours; the assets a couple of hours each it seems - even the really bad ones!

But there you go, that's what I've been up to this week - more to come!


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