
Yes yes, I know. You couldn't click here fast enough. You took one look at the page and thought "Damn! I gotta give this dude money!!"

Or perhaps "Gosh, I really should furnish this chap with a shilling" if you aren't from the former colonies.

And here you are!

Well I don't blame you, clicking "donate" has been linked to a number of positive effects*, to name but a few:

  • Can contribute to weight loss 
  • 100% of respondents have reported hair growth since clicking
  • Good weather, especially on important occasions such as weddings, birthdays and parades. 
  • Increased virility. For men, obviously. Femininity is increased in women
  • Clicking has led to a 0% incidence of new cases of scrofula among surveyed clickers!

There are, however, some limitations, believe it or not.

For example the game is currently free to all visitors to the page, and will probably remain so throughout the Alpha phase at least.

Likewise the website is free to all, and no matter how great the donation it will remain so. There are no paywalls here. 

Most importantly, donations in no way guarantee that the game will continue to be developed, they simply help it to happen. If at some stage in the future I decide to stop making the game, I don't want to hear someone say "hey! I donated $50,000! Where is my game!!" as I will just refer them to this page where I made it clear that the donations were 100% voluntary and I make absolutely no promises of anything in the event of donations being made. 

So there you go, please have fun and donate freely, but please, please don't expect anything in return that wasn't going to happen anyway!

  • Weight loss will occur if button is clicked as part of a balanced diet. Other forms of exercise may be necessary.
  • Sample size is one person, I clicked it earlier to see if it worked. On the plus side my hair is longer. I will need a haircut soon in fact. 
  • Whilst good weather is guaranteed we make no comment on where or when the weather will be good. Nor do we make any formal judgement as to what constitutes "good."
  • Virility here is defined not in the modern usage implying sexuality bu in the original Latin derived sense of "manliness." Please see comment regarding hair growth and draw your own conclusions. 
  • This is 100% bona fide, I clicked a couple of days ago and remain scrofula free. 

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